5 gold stars
"Perfect roadmap to each topic"
5 gold stars
"You can learn everything from scratch"
5 gold stars
"Makes learning addictive"

Learn how to code, build side projects and land a job

Interactive platform to become a Front-end Developer by learning modern technologies and building REAL-WORLD side projects.

5 gold stars
"Perfect roadmap to each topic"

Tech Courses & Universities
are not preparing you for the job

Mastering Front-End Development has never been simpler. You can start with just 5 minutes per day, no previous experience is required.

Learning coding in a university / via a course

  • Learning math, physics and a bunch of theory
  • Build small boring projects
  • No job experience upon finishing → hard to get a job
  • Learn what ACTUALLY needed for the job
  • Build real-world projects that MAKE MONEY
  • Job experience that you can add to Resume and LinkedIn


Learn only what matters

Interactive daily lessons and a step-by-step roadmap

Have fun & win prizes

We build UNIQUE guides, which you can win weekly by getting to the top of the leaderboard.

Build a side-project

Build real-world projects that MAKE MONEY and use the gained experience to get a tech job.

real project image

Get a job

By the end of the program, you’ll have job-ready knowledge, a resume, a portfolio and real-world experience, that will make recruiters beg you to work with them.

real project image

How it works?

Month 1
Understand the basics of Front-end Development - HTML & CSS.
Month 2-3
Learn advanced HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Build your first interactive project.
Month 4
Learn React. Build more advanced & responsive projects.
Month 5
Start your real-world side-project and get the first paying customer.
Month 6
Start doing coding interviews and get a tech job.
Understand the basics of Front-end Development - HTML & CSS.
Learn React. Build more advanced & responsive projects.
Start doing coding interviews and get a tech job.
Month 1
Month 2 - 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Learn advanced HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Build your first interactive project.
Start your real-world side-project and get the first paying customer.

ZaCode Reviews

Get Started

Hey, it’s Andrew, founder of ZaCode 👋🏼

When I started learning how to code I wasted 2 years learning the wrong technologies and theory in university 🫤

Then my life flipped upside-down, and I ended up working as a barista in a coffee shop.

After 1.5 years, I realised that I wanted more from life than just serving tables and cleaning toilets.

But I didn’t want to get back to theory!

So I’ve chosen the other way to learn how to code - VIA BUILDING 💡

Cool projects and gained knowledge helped me to stand out across other candidates and smash tech interviews.

I still had a lot of struggles and made a bunch of mistakes on my way.

That’s why now, 4 years later, after scaling my career to over 6-figures, I build ZaCode.

While building ZaCode, I included everything I wish I had when starting out:

And SO MUCH MORE! I hope you like it too.

Frequently asked questions

Is ZaCode suitable for beginners or do I need some prior knowledge to start?

The ZaCode program is suitable for absolute beginners. So you DO NOT need any prior knowledge about computers, math, algorithms or programming to get started. In ZaCode you will be learning everything from 0, starting from simple topics and getting to more advanced ones one step by step.

How much time do I need to dedicate to my studies?

Learning a high-paying skill like Front-End Development takes some time and dedication and can't be done in a week.But in ZaCode we worked hard to build a step-by-step learning plan that will help you to learn Front-End Development as fast as possible, and make the process fun via interactive lessons, competitions with other players and community support! With consistent studies typically it takes 8-12 months to learn enough for the job in Front-End Development!

How long it takes to become a Frontend Developer?

It varies, as every person is different and has different learning speeds and time availability. But it’s definitely doable in a 8-12 months time frame.

Will I receive a certificate after completion?

Yes! You will receive multiple certificates. As within ZaCode you’ll learn different technologies and will have certification tests after each technology you learn.